Asynchronous/Synchronous React Centralized State

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  • Node/Npm, Node/Yarn or failing Java & Gradle.
  • Git (only if you are going to clone the project).

Getting it

Clone or download the project[1], in the desired folder execute:

git clone


git clone

[1] Cloning a repository

Set up



npm install

Recommendation: Immediately after installation, run npm run check to be sure that initial code is “ok”.
[1] it will use eslint configuration defined in base-style-config, most specifically eslint-plugin-base-style-config.




This command will install node (npm install) and run npm run check.


Npm scripts, package.json:

  • lint.any: checks common style of “all” files.
  • lint.config: checks eslint style of config files.
  • lint.main: checks eslint style of main source files.
  • lint.flow: checks eslint style of js.flow files.
  • lint.ts: checks eslint style of d.ts files.
  • lint.test: checks eslint style of test source files.
  • transpile.flow: checks Flow typings of source files.
  • transpile.ts: checks Typescript typings of source files.
  • test.flow: tests Reducer Provider components Flow typings (tests/typings/flow).
  • test.ts: tests Reducer Provider components Typescript typings (tests/typings/ts).
  • test: runs Jasmine/Karma tests for Reducer Provider components (tests/js).


  • npm run check: will execute all tasks (lint.any, …, test.ts, etc.).
  • npm run: will list all available script/task for the project.

From Gradle

Run any scripts using ./gradlew, where .name. is the name of the npm script, e.g.:

lint.any => ./gradlew npm_run_lint.any

Folders structure

  • config/main: Configuration files for Main tools.
  • config/test: Configuration files for Tests.
  • src: Main source files.
  • tests/js: Test source files[1].
  • tests/typings: Test of typings for Flow and Typescript.

[1] Tests are done with Karma and Jasmine.


When developing a Npm module with hooks and using that module locally then is important that node_modules folder is rename (or something) to avoid Invalid Hook Call Warning:

 Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
 1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
 2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
 3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app
 See for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.

Basically due to more than one copy of React in the same app.

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