Asynchronous/Synchronous React Centralized State

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ActuatorProvider is a React Component which defines a React Context that allows to Manage a external State.

  • It’s a bridge between a Store and Components.
  • It allows you to easily introduced centralized state without moving your existing state, i.e. it allows you to avoid using a new state container if you already have one.
  • It can be used to managed other uses cases that not involved a centralized state but a centralized action handling.


ActuatorProvider is a React “Special” Elements defined by 2 properties:


  • id ?: string | number | symbol: constitutes the identifier of the ActuatorProvider, which is useful when using more than 1 react-reducer-provider provider.

  • actuator: an asynchronous or synchronous function that will be called from the remote components through actuator dispatcher.

    • That function then can handle the external state or do something else, as a response to its called, i.e. Actuate.
    • The value return by the actuator is send to the remote component.

Identified AsyncMapperProvider:


or Singleton AsyncMapperProvider:

<ActuatorProvider actuator={actuate}>

actuator can receive the arguments to actuate and no return anything, e.g. to set a new centralized state value: Actuator as State manager

actuator can receive the arguments to set a new centralized state value and return its new value: Actuator as State manager

actuator can receive the arguments to actuate and return some result value: Actuator as State manager

actuator can even receive and set the new state value: Actuator as State manager

actuator can even receive no arguments, and be used as simple trigger: Actuator as Trigger

  • ActuatorProvider is an Immutable React Component, i.e it will never re-render, so, if you need to render children:
    • Re-render the parent, which is usually the case, i.e. the ActuatorProvider’s parent will change its state and re-render its children.
    • Children will re-render themself when they change themself.
    • Use the key approach to force children re-render: <ActuatorProvider key={changingKey}.

Online example can be checked on line at gmullerb-react-actuator-provider codesandbox:
Edit gmullerb-react-reducer-provider

Actuator Consumption


Dispatcher is the proxy between the Remote component and the Actuator:


Synchronous dispatcher:

const result = dispatch(arg0, arg1, argN)

Asynchronous dispatcher:

dispatch(arg0, arg1, argN).then(result =>

If the actuator does not return a value, or returned value is not required:

dispatch(arg0, arg1, argN)

Examples can be seen at: ActuatorProvider.test.jsx.
Examples of typings can be seen at: typingTestForActuator.tsx and typingTestForActuatorClass.tsx.


If actuator may throw an exception, then the code calling the dispatcher should handle this situations:

synchronous actuator

  try {
    dispatch(arg0, arg1, argN)

asynchronous actuator

  dispatch(arg0, arg1, argN)
    .catch(error => ..)
  • Remember you design the actuator, so you must be aware if exceptions are possible.
  • In case of exceptions is better to handle them inside actuator.

Getting the Dispatcher

Dispatcher will be reachable through:

  • Function Components - Hooks: useActuator.
  • Class Components - HOC: injectActuator.



useActuator gives access to the Dispatcher when using React Function Components.



  • id?: string | number | symbol: constitutes the identifier (name, number or symbol) of the ActuatorProvider being accessed.

returns: the Dispatcher function with an additional field:

  • provider: the provider id.

when using a Singleton Provider:

const FunComponent1 = () => {
  const dispatch = useActuator()
  return (
    <RelatedChildComponent onEvent={dispatch} />

or when using a Identified ActuatorProvider:

const FunComponent1 = () => {
  const dispatch = useActuator('someActuator')
  return (
    <RelatedChildComponent onEvent={dispatch} />

Trying to reassign provider or add new fields to the Dispatcher function will result in a TypeError Exception.

Online example can be checked on line at gmullerb-react-actuator-provider codesandbox:
Edit gmullerb-react-reducer-provider
Examples can be seen at: ActuatorProvider.test.jsx.
Examples of typings can be seen at: typingTestForActuator.tsx.


injectActuator gives access to the Dispatcher when using React Class Components.

injectActuator(ComponentClass, injectedPropName, id?)


  • ComponentClass: class: React Component class to be enhanced with react-reducer-provider properties.
  • injectedPropName: string: Name of the property to be injected to the Class component that correspond to the actuator Dispatcher.
    • Can be any name just be sure to avoid collision with existing names on ComponentClass.
  • id?: string | number | symbol: constitutes the identifier (name, number or symbol) of the ActuatorProvider being accessed.

returns: the Dispatcher function with an additional field:

Enhanced Component Class with the indicated injectedPropName property, which holds the Dispatcher function containing an additional field:

  • provider: the provider id.

when using a Singleton Provider:

class ClassComponent1 extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <RelatedChildComponent onEvent={this.props.dispatch} />

export default injectActuator(ClassComponent1, 'dispatch');

or when using a Identified ActuatorProvider:

class ClassComponent1 extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <RelatedChildComponent onEvent={this.props.dispatch} />

export default injectActuator(ClassComponent1, 'dispatch', 'someActuator');

Trying to reassign provider or add new fields to the Dispatcher function will result in a TypeError Exception.

Online example can be checked on line at gmullerb-react-actuator-provider codesandbox:
Edit gmullerb-react-reducer-provider
Examples can be seen at: ActuatorProvider.test.jsx.
Examples of typings can be seen at: typingTestForActuatorClass.tsx.

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