Asynchronous/Synchronous React Centralized State

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Singleton Reducer/Mapper Provider

If no id (name, number or symbol) is provided a “unique”[1] Reducer will be created.

[1] This is a convention, i.e. is up to the developer not to created more Reducer Provider. Worth mentioning that unidentified and identified Reducer Providers can be combined.

function SomeReducerProvider({ children }) {
  return (

export default SomeReducerProvider

When accessing the provider, the id is not required:

  export default function SomeComponent1() {
    const [ state, dispatch ] = useReducer()
    return (
      <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION1')}>
        Go up (from {state})!


  export default function SomeComponent2() {
    const dispatch = useReducerDispatcher()
    return (
      <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION2')}>
        Go down!


  export default function SomeComponentN() {
    const currentState = useReducerState()
    return (

An asynchronous example can be checked on line at gmullerb-react-reducer-provider-async codesandbox:
Edit gmullerb-react-reducer-provider-async

Examples of use can be looked at basecode-react-ts and basecode-cordova-react-ts.

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