Asynchronous/Synchronous React Centralized State

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Combining/Blending - Tagged Reducers/Mappers

(React ≥ 16.8.0)


Reducer or Mapper will never be accessible directly from children elements, they will be able to access the State and/or Dispatcher.

There are different ways of doing this:

  • useTaggedReducer, which give access both State and Dispatcher.
  • useTaggedReducerDispatcher, which give access only the Dispatcher.
  • useTaggedReducerState, which give access only the State.


  • useTaggedMapper, which give access both State and Dispatcher.
  • useTaggedMapperDispatcher, which give access only the Dispatcher.
  • useTaggedMapperState, which give access only the State.


  • useTaggedAny, which give access any tagged State and Dispatcher.


When using any useTagged*, Be Aware that they use React.useContext and quote: ‘A component calling useContext will always re-render when the context value changes’, in this case when state changes, therefore when using useReducerDispatcher/useMapperDispatcher although it not depends “directly” on state the component will be re-render when state changes. Final words, use *TaggedProvider everywhere is required and use useTagged* wisely (small scopes, as close to where is required with small amount of children). If children re-render is too expensive then React.useMemo:

const FunComponent1 = () => {
  const dispatch = useReducerDispatcher('testNamedReducer10')
  return React.useMemo(() => (
  ), [dispatch])


useTaggedReducer(tag, id)
useTaggedMapper(tag, id)


  • tag: string | number | symbol: that identifies an actions/reducer/state combination.
  • id?: string | number | symbol: constitutes the identifier of the *TaggedProvider being accessed.

:exclamation: No Error checking is done behind the scene for Tag, so “keep track” of tags (to avoid getting a undefined error).


a tuple containing:

  • [0]: the state.
  • [1]: the dispatcher.
  • [2]: the provider id.
  • [3]: respective provider tag.
  • state: the state.
  • dispatch: the dispatcher.
  • provider: the provider id.
  • tag: respective provider tag.

Trying to reassign state, dispatch, provider, tag, [0], [1], [2] or [3] will result in aTypeError: Cannot assign to read only property '..' of object '[object Array]' Exception.
Trying to add new fields will result in a TypeError: can't define property "..": Array is not extensible Exception.
For purpose of avoiding re-renders and/or improving performance always use the elements of the tuple as reference, never the tuple perse, keep in mind that the tuple that is returned may change but elements will only change when state changes. Also, can use useEffect/useMemo/useCallback. This is not an “issue” when using the elements of the tuple as reference or when using use*Dispatcher or use*State.

Accessing Specific Tagged Reducer/Mapper:

import { useTaggedReducer } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponent1() {
  const [ state, dispatch ] = useTaggedReducer('Tag1', 'someNamedReducer')
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION1')}>
      Go up (from {state})!


import { useTaggedReducer } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponent1() {
  const { state, dispatch } = useTaggedReducer('Tag1', 'someNamedReducer')
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION1')}>
      Go up (from {state})!

Accessing Singleton Tagged Reducer/Mapper:

import { useTaggedReducer } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponent1() {
  const [ state, dispatch ] = useTaggedReducer('Tag1')
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION1')}>
      Go up (from {state})!


import { useTaggedReducer } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponent1() {
  const { state, dispatch } = useTaggedReducer('Tag1')
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION1')}>
      Go up (from {state})!




  • id?: string | number | symbol: constitutes the identifier of the *TaggedProvider being accessed.


  • a function get to obtain the any provider value.

Accessing Specific Tagged Reducer/Mapper:

import { useTaggedAny } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponent1() {
  const providers = useTaggedAny('someNamedReducer')
  const { state, dispatch } = providers.get('Tag1')
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION1')}>
      Go up (from {state})!

Accessing Singleton Tagged Reducer/Mapper:

import { useTaggedAny } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponent1() {
  const providers = useTaggedAny()
  const [ state, dispatch ] = providers.get('Tag1')
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION1')}>
      Go up (from {state})!


useTaggedReducerDispatcher(tag, id)
useTaggedMapperDispatcher(tag, id)


  • tag: string | number | symbol: that identifies an actions/reducer/state combination.
  • id?: string | number | symbol: constitutes the identifier of the *TaggedProvider being accessed.

:exclamation: No Error checking is done behind the scene for Tag, so “keep track” of tags (to avoid getting an undefined error).


  • the dispatcher of the respective Reducer/Mapper Provider.

Accessing Specific Tagged Reducer/Mapper:

import { useTaggedReducerDispatcher } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponent2() {
  const dispatch = useTaggedReducerDispatcher('Tag1', 'someNamedReducer')
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION2')}>
      Go down!

Accessing Singleton Tagged Reducer/Mapper:

import { useTaggedReducerDispatcher } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponent2() {
  const dispatch = useTaggedReducerDispatcher('Tag1')
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('ACTION2')}>
      Go down!


useTaggedReducerState(tag, id)
useTaggedMapperState(tag, id)


  • tag: string | number | symbol: that identifies an actions/reducer/state combination.
  • id?: string | number | symbol: constitutes the identifier of the *TaggedProvider being accessed.

:exclamation: No Error checking is done behind the scene for Tag, so “keep track” of tags (to avoid getting a undefined error).


  • the state of the respective Reducer/Mapper Provider.

Accessing Specific Tagged Reducer/Mapper:

import { useTaggedReducerState } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponentN() {
  const currentState = useTaggedReducerState('Tag1', 'someNamedReducer')
  return (

Accessing Singleton Tagged Reducer/Mapper:

import { useTaggedReducerState } from 'react-reducer-provider'
import React from 'react'

export default function SomeComponentN() {
  const currentState = useTaggedReducerState('Tag1')
  return (

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